Imagine a bucket of money. Every time you take out a few dollars, there’s less to spend. Sounds like your checking account….right?
If you’re like me, directing as many of those dollars toward things that really matter—things that make a deep difference, things that bring you joy—is what you want to do.
So when a business like Holman Enterprises calls UrbanPromise and says: “Can we bring a team of 25 employees for a day of volunteer service?” The response: “Absolutely!!”
This past Friday an energetic crew of Holman employees visited our campus in east Camden. They painted, repaired windows and gutters, moved furniture, prepared food baskets for our Food Co-Op and beautified our campus. A true gift!
Here’s some really great news: The thousands of dollars we would spend on maintenance jobs can now be directed to impacting our youth—taking children on a trip to the museum, hiring a few extra teenagers for our StreetLeader program, purchasing snacks for our after school programs. And yes, redirecting resources is great! But the impact on individual volunteers and a company’s corporate culture is also profound.
Holman Enterprises Board Chair, Mindy Holman—who spent the morning bagging onions and carrots for food distribution—commented, “Our employees love to use their skills and talents to give back to the community. We’re really excited to be partnering with UrbanPromise in their critical mission to youth and families in Camden.”
I hope this excitement to serve and volunteer will inspire other corporations, churches, and individuals to mobilize their employees/members in service to the community.