Let me tell you about Tamia and Bryan who grew up at UrbanPromise, over the past decade, generous people invested in their lives, which kept them in our programs year after year. They started as campers, each uniquely impacted by their engagement. Then as teens, they were employed as StreetLeaders to mentor and lead younger children. Now, they’re both in college. We just hired them to co-direct one of our summer camps—Camp Freedom in the Fairview section of Camden.
It made a difference.
When thinking about long term, generational impact, I can’t think of a better example. Former beneficiaries of our programs, now hired as young adults to direct and lead the programs they attended as children—that’s unique! It’s exceptional!
And that’s what UrbanPromise has done for 37 years. Our mission: intentionally and strategically develop leaders—leaders who serve, leaders who dream, leaders of faith who want to restore their communities into places where children and families can flourish.

“I’m a little nervous because I’ve always watched others direct summer camps,” confessed Tamia, currently a Sophomore at Rowan University. “I have high expectations for myself. I don’t wanna disappoint anyone.”
I know Tamia won’t disappoint anyone. Our team sees her potential. Sure, mistakes will be made, but mentoring and counsel is provided. That’s part of growing young leaders.
“Bryan will be my Co-Director,” added Tamia. “We grew up in the same summer camp. He has a creative mind. He knows how to be both serious with the kids and playful. We’ll be a great team.”
A great team they will be—and Camden’s children will benefit.
Our vision for leadership goes far beyond the summer. It must. The leaders we are currently developing, I believe, become the transformational leaders our world so desperately needs—leaders who demonstrate integrity, selflessness and a heart for God and community.
That’s why we’ll employ 72 teens again this summer. For many it’s their first job, and a critical stepping stone in their path of developing life-long leadership skills.
Let’s send a resounding vote of confidence to Tamia and Bryan. Let’s affirm their commitment, their journey and hard work by opening opportunities for the next generation of campers and StreetLeaders and fully sponsor their summer camp, Camp Freedom! .
In advance, thanks for your generosity.
Bruce Main
President & Founder

UrbanPromise Summer Camp Team is made up entirely of alumni!