This summer UrbanPromise employed 8 teens in our RiverGuides program, providing a unique and valuable summer job opportunity. Over 8-weeks, our RiverGuides led 18 paddle trips highlighting the history and ecology of Camden on the Cooper River. 213 community members and partners got to experience and see a new perspective on the city’s beauty.
This opportunity allowed our teens to build their public speaking and leadership skills. As they learned more about their city, they built a stronger sense of pride and community ownership and developed a habit of picking up trash by the river—encouraging our paddlers to do the same.
We are excited as we plan for the fall. We are hiring four students to split their time between working at the BoatShop and environmental education and advocacy work. We’ll be back to building boats and Trekking at some exciting places—first up, Assateague Island!
Thank you for making this possible for our youth!