“Come again?”
“I was asked to speak at my university’s baccalaureate ceremony!”
Not only is it impressive to receive a four year university degree, but speaking on behalf of your class—that’s an honor. It says a lot about one’s character and the impact they’ve made on campus.
That’s Emmanuel Soltero. He will graduate from Eastern University tomorrow with a Bachelor of Arts in History. In the fall, Emmanuel will attend the prestigious University of Pennsylvania to attain a Master’s in Education —with a full tuition scholarship!
Emmanuel, affectionally known as “Manny” to his friends and teachers at UrbanPromise, graduated from our high school in 2020. “I enrolled Manny at UrbanPromise because it is more that just a school,” shared Manny’s mother Juana . “It’s truly a family. If a student has a problem the whole teaching team comes around the student to help. It’s just incredible. God’s love is in that place.”
At Eastern’s baccalaureate ceremony, Manny shared his inspirational testimony. “My four years at Eastern University challenged me to trust God,” he shared with the audience. “Even when everything around me seemed so uncertain. I remember nights when I did not know if I could handle the academic challenges of my courses. Nights when I was still determining if I could afford to pay tuition, I prayed for guidance, strength, and comfort, and God always answered the call.” God answered the call. So does Manny.
Kris Schnepf
Former Trekker Director
Manny embodies the mission of UrbanPromise on so many levels. He reminds our teachers and staff why they invest in young lives with such passion and commitment. Manny is a living example of why UrbanPromise has always believed the best way to change communities is to develop the next generation of leaders. Leaders of vibrant faith. Leaders with compassionate hearts to serve others. Leaders who want to make a difference.
Manny is one of those leaders. Congratulations Manny. Thanks for being a presence of good news in our world.
Bruce Main
President & Founder